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A new look to an old page

The Reef Parameters page has been updated to match the look of the site, and I changed the layout of the stats themselves. I like the new look because it reminds me of a graph chart.

Regarding the Logo contest, I want to thank everyone that participated. I've got it down to the final two, and will decide shortly. The two I like are #10 and #15 on the lastest contest page posted, the one that had the poll.


Rochester, New York

Last weekend, I flew to Rochester NY to speak to the URSNY club. As you probably expected, I brought home more than just memories - I also got a bunch of pictures for you to see. Plus a few new frags. Here are the pictures.

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The newest frag is a Sunset Montipora, which you'll see in the Frag Swap images. I also got an unidentified frag, plus two Micro Carpet Anemones. I'll have to take pictures of these when they are in a suitable location.

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