Sump - Model L

David, a member of DFWMAS, requested a custom sump that he designed himself. Water flows through a small section filled with bioballs to break up the bubbles, then into the skimmer section. Next, it will flow through a refugium using Miracle Mud, and down through more bioballs into the return section. This sump is 48" x 16" x 16" and fit under a 125g reef.

Water fills the skimmer section through an area of submerged bioballs and then through eggcrate.

The refugium will have linear flow. Small acrylic partitions help keep the substrate from shifting.

Using an Aqua C Ev-180, the skimmer needed a 1" stand to lift it up slightly to a water depth of 9".

Water exits via a 1.5" bulkhead to an external pump. Also visible is a float switch bracket mounted on the wall.

This cooling fan bracket will hold two 80mm PC fans. The bracket can be move anywhere along the opening of the sump, but probably will remain over the return section. Each hole is 3" in diameter.

The fans simply set in place, and can be replaced or cleaned when necessary. The bracket is notched to prevent it falling into the sump. The brackets take forever to make, believe it or not. This one took 45 mins.